Behind the movement: Jean-Sébastien Paré

The movement is free to be yourself and the slogan beyond the beauty of Parikart are led at arm's length by people who have at heart The well -being of others, especially that of women. Among these people, Jean-Sébastien Paré, marketing director and e-com, work on a daily basis to assert this vision. It seemed important to us to share with you his motivations, his vision and his ambitions in relation to the movement.

What does that mean for you to see beyond beauty?

For me, seeing beyond beauty means a lot! Beyond beauty has a lot of meanings, including a meaning in terms of services that Parikart offers, that is to say that the customer experience goes far beyond the service or the product that the customer receives. At Parikart, we want to make sure that the customer lives an experience he cannot find elsewhere. We want to bring an experience that will be beyond expectations and beyond what you are coming to us, whether online or in the living room.

The "beyond the beauty" that we speak of in the campaign free to be yourself is to see beyond the standards of beauty. It is to stop seeing the beauty according to what others think and to bring people to ask themselves: "Me, what do I find beautiful? What do I want to be? " And that becomes beauty. Beauty is not in the eyes of others, real beauty is when you look at yourself and tell you: "What I see in the mirror, is that, is that beautiful? Yes or no? ".

For a long time, society wanted to change what beauty was. So we talked more of natural beauty, that is to say to be yourself, not to put makeup, not have cosmetic surgery, etc. Natural beauty has therefore been, for a very long time, the standard of real beauty. Then we talked more about interior beauty. So being nice, being funny, having fun in life, being happy is beauty. I sincerely think that it is true that to be happy makes us more beautiful, but it is wrong to think that we will always say that beauty is not what we see.

So I wouldn't say that beauty is not seen and that it is abstract. Real beauty is seen and there is only you who can judge in relation to yourself. We cannot judge beauty in relation to another person. You can, you, think that a person is beautiful, but it will be even more so if they are beautiful. In contrast, she will be less beautiful if she is not beautiful and that she is not well with her body and that she wants to change who she is.

On the other hand, in terms of natural beauty, we want to tend towards that, because each person who takes good care of her and who learns to love himself will be beautiful naturally. However, some people will have big complexes and want to change them, be their breasts, their lips, their sex, a teeth problem, etc. To say that beauty is only beautiful if it is natural, I find that it is false, since if naturally you do not accept yourself, you have the right to make a change and you will remain beautiful if you do it for yourself, Because afterwards, you're going to love yourself more.

So, that's for me beauty. The only standard that there should be is that of acceptance and I think that to love yourself and to be beautiful yourself, this is where you reflect true beauty. << /p>

Why did you choose the slogan beyond beauty and such values ​​to put forward with a company in a rather superficial area and based on beauty and < /Strong> Physics?

We have chosen this slogan despite the field which is often based on the physical, on appearing, simply because we know it at the end of the line that yes our shampoos, yes our services will help you To be beautiful yourself, but there is something beyond that. That's what we wanted to go get. There are also the fundamental values ​​of the company that say "ok it's great to sell good products and we have excellent products, we have the best products that are on the market, we have the best team that has that It is in aesthetics or in hairstyle, but there is beyond that. These people, these products will help you accept you, will help you be beautiful because you need them and because you want them and you, personally, you like it. But at the end of the line, it goes beyond what we make real beauty. That's why we chose this slogan. This is a message that we have been trying to deconstruct for a long time, since ... Parikart has been there for 27 years that it has existed and it has always been this same mentality. There, we are able to put this message on a higher pedestal and to show everyone that no matter who you are, you can be a beautiful person if you decide that you love yourself and that you accept yourself .

How is it Parikart demonstrates this vision on a daily basis?

We dismantle this slogan, this vision and these values ​​on a daily basis in several ways. This campaign shows it very well. At the end of the line this campaign, it is to pass a message. We just want to rally people around this message so that they learn to accept.

We help women a lot in several foundations. I myself took my personal time, volunteer for the empty foundation your bag. I was also the first male ambassador to be part of this foundation and I am super proud. The living room gave this foundation a lot too. Last year we raised almost $ 40,000 in products and money for the foundation. We made donations to several foundations like junction for her and mother with power.

We did small actions for our customers like ... Women's Day, we went to wear a rose at fifty of our clients randomly. Small actions that make the difference and that support the campaign values ​​and message.

What impact would you like to have with the free movement to be yourself?

I would like this campaign to touch people who really need it. I would like it to go more people who accept or learn to accept and who do things for them.

I would like people to take action to control their own happiness to them and that they stop looking at elsewhere and being influenced by what happens outside to define who they really are.

I think this campaign can have a lot of impact. I think the message we get across, if we are able to return it to the good ears, will have changed the lives of several people, will help several people to accept, to love each other and to be beautiful. At the end of the line, that's just our goal ... it's to help people are beautiful and love each other.

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