Helping women in need in our own way

for us, it is important to have an impact beyond beauty. At Parikart, we like to give back to the next and offer support to those who have need . As our field and our customers are mainly female, it is important for us to support women in different situations of their lives where they need to feel supported.

junction for her

since 2019, we have supported the Junction for Elle Foundation, which is a accommodation house for women victims of domestic violence and their children. The mission of the junction is to bring a change of mentality surrounding domestic violence in addition to helping women and children who are victims. It is important for us to support the junction for her in order to help these women to feel libr are to be themselves and to be good. This constant support is a way of emphasizing their courage and giving them self -confidence and the energy necessary to go through these difficult trials.

March 27, 2019 : donation of $ 700 at the junction for her during a beauty event with a business close to the signature parikart.

September 26, 2019 : Home women of the junction for her in the living room to offer them a day to be pampered and receive the services of their choice. Our priority during this day was to make them feel important and to show them that they deserve that we take care of them.

December 2019: donation of several gift bags containing beauty products for Christmas to the women of the organization.

October 2020: donation of several satin parikart bathrobes at the junction for her.

March 2021: donation of $ 250 at the junction for it to the occasion for the Mother's Day.

empty your bag

Since September 2020, Parikart is proud to be associated with the empty body your bag which collects hygiene and cosmetics for people weakened in need . The organization performs several annual campaigns and then redistributes the products collected to several weakened women through different organizations with whom It is associated . Our two beauty salons are harvesting points for the body. We give in addition many products to each harvest to make a difference in the life of a greater number of women.

September 2020 : start of the association with the organization and start of the harvest for the 2020 holiday campaign. Jean-Sébastien, the director Marketing at Parikart , proudly becomes the first and the only male ambassador of the organism.

October 2020: donation of hundreds of satin bathrobes worth more than $ 20,000 to the empty foundation your bag.
Our bathrobes were given to fifteen foundations, organizations and other support programs helping women victims of domestic violence, women Taken with different difficulties, young mothers in need, etc. Ces fondations sont : La Junction Foundation for Elle , the Maison du coeur pour femmes , the Maison Mère-Mallet, The cradle perinatal center , the house for immigrant women, the Maison Hélène-La Croix , the YWCA Québec, Le Moon project , Espace Mélilot Lévis,< /span> Family space resource , mothers and world: one hundred Re community and residential , the house Marie-Rollet, La Maison des femmes from Quebec and the Société Elizabeth Fry du Québec .

November 16, 2020 : End of the first product harvest. In total, more than $ 5,000 in products were given to the organization.

March 2021 : donation of more than $ 650 in products to the organization during Mother's Day.

Produits en vedette


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