
Sérum de Nuit 8h

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Laisse un fini satiné

Diffuse un parfum envoûtant

This nourishing night serum is ideal for dry hair! It provides 8 hours of nutrition so that when waking up, the hair is soft, protected and easy to comb. The product penetrates completely into hair fiber for a feeling of lightness!
Its light and creamy texture is suitable for all hair types: it helps to untangle fine hair and makes it easier to comb normal to thick. The hair is gradually absorbing nutrients from the nourishing serum overnight.

"In the evening, the serum gives off aromas that stimulate sleep. In the morning, the serum gives off aromas that stimulate the alarm clock. "

This is the perfect complement for a nutritious and nourishing shower routine. In order to wake up with perfectly cowardly waves or defined curls, apply beforehand the hair or make a bun.


- Provides 8 hours of nutrition during the night
- Hydrates without weighing down fine hair
- Helps to untangle the hair
- Makes the hair soft and protected

user manual

Step 1: use 2 to 4 pressures, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.
Step 2: Apply to a dry or humid hair before going to sleep.
Step 3: massage the product from the lengths to the tips.

For an application on wet hair, dry it with a towel before application.

You don't need to wash your hair the next morning! Your hair will be ready to accompany you on your day.

key ingredients

- Iris root extract which feeds durably for 8 hours.
- A mixture of 5 vitamins that seals the cuticles for a satin finish.

infused with iris root extract and a mixture of 5 vitamins, whose vitamin E, serum deeply penetrates the hair fiber for 8 hours to be completely absorbed, in order to restore the nutritional balance of hair.

Format: 90ml


Terminer le coiffage des cheveux avec le Sérum nutri-supplément pointes sèches. Mettre une ou deux gouttes dans la paume de la main. Répartir dans les deux mains. Appliquer sur les longueurs et les pointes.


- Pour les longueurs et pointes sèches et fourchues

- Revitalise les pointes

- Rend les cheveux plus forts et plus lustrés

- Réduit les frisottis

- Offre une texture uniforme au toucher

- Prévient l'apparition des pointes fourchues

- Scelle les pointes pour un fini satiné

- Diffuse un parfum envoûtant qui dure longtemps.


UN MÉLANGE DE VITAMINES EN HUILE : Il s’agit d’un mélange de vitamines qui contribue à stimuler les propriétés nourrissantes et fortifiantes de la formule.

LES POLYMÈRES ANTISÉCHERESSE : Grâce à leur grande affinité avec les cheveux, ils enveloppent avec légèreté les extrémités de la fibre d’une fine micromaille traitante. Ils forment un réseau sur la fibre capillaire pour apporter une hydratation immédiate et sceller les pointes sèches, mais aussi prévenir l’apparition de nouvelles pointes fourchues.


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