Cocos Easter Clues!
Find 5 coconuts to enter the competition of $ 1300!
Hunting is started! We hid 5 coconas on the site and you have to find them all to be able to participate in the competition. You will be entitled to a surprise during your hunt, but you don't tell you more ..!
Do you have trouble finding the coconuts? We can help you!
Here is a list of clues that will allow you to find all the hidden coconuts on the site! We have put the clues upside down so that you cannot read them all at the same time if you want to keep a "challenge"! Go lower to discover the indices!
You must read from right to left, the letters are upside down. It can take a little bit of adaptation, but you will get there!
index 1
ןᴉ ǝnɔɐ, p ǝƃɐd ɐן ɹns soɔoɔ ᘔ ɐ ʎ ן i span>
Index 2
¡sǝɯɯos snou ᴉnb ɹns ןᴉ ǝo, p dnoɔ a ɹǝʇǝɾ ɹǝ ןןɐ ןןɐp Snoλ ¿ʇɹɐʞᴉɹɐԁp ǝɹᴉoʇsᴉɥ, ן ǝʇnoʇ Snoʌ-Zǝssᴉɐuuoͻ
index 3
¿sǝǝʇ ן nsuoɔ snnoʌ-zǝʌɐ sǝ ǝʇᴉ ’ǝʇᴉs ǝ ן ɹns sǝʌᴉʇɔɐ suoᴉʇoɯoɹd sǝp sɹnoɾ suoʌɐ sunon span>
index 4
¿o uo, ǝ ןnb sǝɔᴉʌɹǝs sǝ ן snoʌssᴉɐssᴉɐuuoͻ ˙ɔǝqǝnꝺ ǝp uoᴉƃǝɹ ǝpuɐɹƃ ɐן suɐp ǝnbᴉʇǝɥʇsǝ ǝuᴉɔǝpǝɯ uǝ ǝɔuǝɹǝɟǝɹ ɐן ʇsǝ ʇɹɐʞᴉɹɐԁ