An effective treatment to sculpt the body safely

The Fotona Laser Tighsculpting treatment (also called Hotsculpting) is a unique, non-invasive treatment for skin contouring and tightening on all areas of the body. It mainly aims to eliminate adipose (fat) cells in order to firm the skin.

Results that speak for themselves!

How does the treatment work?

The first step of treatment is simply heating the fatty tissue to create apoptosis (death) of the fat cells. This step lasts approximately 15 minutes. The second step serves to firm the skin and give it elasticity in the treated area. You will notice a rejuvenation of the skin tissue thanks to the new formation of collagen and elastic fibers.

Professional and personalized service!

As it is important to us that you have confidence in the person in charge of your treatments, you are entitled to a free consultation with our specialists at any time. A nurse or laser technician will take the time to explain the different treatments offered and will determine the treatment you need!