Steampod 3.0: the long -awaited return!

And yes! We finally arrived at this time of the year that you expected so much: The return of the brand new steampod 3.0 ! A reinvented and improved version much more practical and easy to use which does not neglect its performance! It was available in very small quantities last November, but the steampod will return very soon and here is everything you need to know before you get yours!

Several promotions including some steampod x kerastase will be available. You can find them at the end of this blog!

What is steampod?

steampod is a professional steam iron which allows to smooth all hair types using water vapor, which has several benefits for hair unlike A traditional iron. Designed by L'Oréal Professionnel, the steampod has a patented smoothing technology which allows it, among other things, to smooth the hair faster than a traditional iron , in repairing hair fibers rather than damaging them.

Several properties make steampod 3.0 an exceptional iron:

  • smooth 2x plus and 2x faster than a traditional iron
  • 78% Less damage on hair fibers
  • Offer a better control Frisottis and humidity
  • Provides shine and sweetness hair
  • Hydrates hair fibers and gives more shine thanks to demineralized water
  • Continuous steam flow which provides a homogeneous result
  • Contains a Heat control constant
  • And much more!

see steampod 3.0

Steampod 2.0 and 3.0:
What is the difference?

The water container

A change that makes a big difference on the user experience: water container is now integrated into the device and it is smaller , While he was in a container outside the iron for the Steampod 2.0. This change clearly facilitates the use of iron, since it is much more practical and the container is much less bulky than it was in the later version.

Even if the water container is now smaller, you don't need to fill it more often since the flow steam is improved to require less water. The autonomy of the tank makes it possible to smooth up to 192m of hair, which is sufficient for several uses.

size and weight

Steampod 3.0 is now thinner , smaller and lighter than the Steampod 2.0, but iron plates do not are not smaller ! So it's the best of both worlds! Several of you found that the iron was quite heavy and that it was difficult to smooth your hair to the root since it was too wide, but it is now the past!

The connection cord

The steampod 3.0 rod is longer than the previous version, and the cord can now rotate 360 ​​degrees, which greatly decreases the fit of the wire and allows you to complete the hair !

> </p>
<p> It was almost impossible to make waves with the Steampod 2.0, and this is now possible! You can adopt a natural curly look as easily as smoothing! Wrap a wick around the tool while slowly sliding down and voila! </p>
<h3> <em> <strong> demineralized water: an essential criterion </strong> </em> </h3>
<p> To operate the steampod, it is <span> </span> <strong> essential </strong> <span> </span> to use <strong> demineralized water and not water tap </strong>. Demineralized water is water that no longer contains ion and minerals. It is bought in grocery store or other trade, and is not very expensive. </p>
<p> It is very important to use demineralized water, because unmealized water can cause <span> </span> <strong> limestone deposits </strong> <span> </span > On the plates and in the mechanism, and thus <Span> </ Span> <strong> damage the iron </strong>. </p>
<h3> <em> <strong> launch promotion </strong> </em> </h3>
<p> <em> </em> Did you know that <span> </span> <a href= steampod < Span> is designed to be used with its products?

> </p>
<p> <span> Start with the smoothing cream that eliminates frizz and will protect your hair to keep your smoothing longer. Then the concentrated serum, applied before smoothing, will be activated by heat to help smooth and protect the hair. This treatment will feed the hair and give it a smooth and silky finish that will last a long time. </span> </p>
<p> <strong> You will be entitled to several sets at 10% discount! <a href= click here to discover all promotions.

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