Esthederm sun care, your best friends this summer!

It is known, the sun gives us an excellent dose of vitamin D in addition to promoting good humor. On the other hand, overexposure to the sun can create photosensitization, skin lesions, skin aging, DNA lesions and even cancers. It is important to apply solar treatment or sun protection every day to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun and thus keep skin healthy.

It is also important to choose a solar treatment suitable for your environment and your skin type. For clear, very sensitive skin, those with acne, stains or those who have had a history of cancer, the use of mineral protection is recommended since it protects 100% from the sun. Otherwise, solar protection or care containing chemical filters or solar treatment will be sufficient. Then choose the texture you like. If you want to combine makeup with sun protection, Colorescience is the perfect range for you! We are going to tell you about this superb medical range just after having inquired about Esthederm products. Happy reading!

solar products esthederm


The Esthederm Institute has developed a technology that stimulates melanin production, which is the dark pigment that protects the skin from the sun. This technology is called Adaptasun. It was designed to optimize the skin pigmentation process. Adaptasun helps to have a faster, more intense, more homogeneous and lasts tuning longer. This technology will allow the skin to adapt to the sun while sunbathing safely.

 solar products esthederm


1. Prepare

The bronz impulse of Esthederm is a product that is applied to the body and face two weeks before the sun exposure, in the morning and the evening, to prepare your skin for tanning. It will hydrate the skin, prolong the tan and give a darker and faster tan. The perfect product to apply before a trip to the South!

2. Protect

at Esthederm, each product is unique. There are two distinct sunscreen ranges, the Orange range which protects while stimulating tanning and the white range to expose itself without risk. You then choose the texture that you like: an oil, a milk, a vaporizer or a cream are all possible choices! Among these products, the silky mist is an extremely appreciated product of our customers! This fog sun cream is extremely easy to apply and does not leave a sticky touch! Several other products are also available and you can discover them Just here .

3. Extend

It is important to apply an after-sun to soothe, repair and hydrate the skin. He will help calm the sunburn and provide a fresh effect. Applying this treatment will help prolong the tan and enhance it by sublimating the skin. Unhohydrate skin retains the tan less well. We recommend putting after-sun every day during sun exposure to repair and hydrate the skin. The extension of Esthederm tanning hydrates the skin after exposure to the sun and makes it brighter. He will calm the skin heated with his comforting formula.

Make all solar products from Esthederm

Colorescience products

for those who want mineral protection (100% sun protection) and a product complexion in a single product, Colorescience is the range for you ! It has many products for your face all with sun protection!


Our favorite product in the Colorescience range is UV protector Sunforgettable FPS 50 . This product is perfect for you if you want a compact product to make quick touch -ups during the day. Instead of recovering sunscreen by two hours, use this light powder to do a protective retouching without a mess! In addition, it's very easy and quick to apply! This FPS 50 mineral protection product protects the most sensitive skin without leaving the white and chalky skin like most other mineral protections! < /p>

> Make all colorescience products

What to remember!

It is extremely important to protect you from the sun exposure to it is one of the largest causes of premature aging of the skin. You now know that there are a multitude of options available to protect yourself from the sun, you just have to find the one that suits you best!

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